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Professor Peter Wilson Name: Professor Peter Wilson
Professor (Psychology)
+613 9953 3445
Organisational Area
Faculty of Health Sciences
School of Behavioural and Health Sciences (VIC)
Biographical Information

I started at Australian Catholic University in January 2012 as National Head, School of Psychology, and now have a research focus as Professor of Developmental Psychology and Program Lead, Development and Disability Over the Lifespan, Healthy Brain and Mind Research Centre, Before that I spent 12 years in the Discipline of Psychology at RMIT University where I was Research Coordinator in Psychology between 2005 and 2009, and more recently, Deputy Head (Research and Innovation) in the School of Health Sciences.  Prior to that I was a Lecturer in the School of Psychological Science at La Trobe University between 1996 and 1999.  I have a strong research interest in motor and cognitive development in children, with particular expertise in neurodevelopmental disorders of movement (esp. DCD and CP) and innovation in virtual rehabilitation using new technologies like virtual reality. The latter covers rehabilitation of movement and cognition in children and adults with brain injury, and in neurodevelopmental disorders. Our clinically-validated and award-winning Elements DNA (EDNA) system is currently being piloted for commercial use as a rehab device under the NDIS and elsewhere, 


Published journal articles (last 10 years)

McGuckian, T., Wilson, P.H. et al. (In Press). Development of complex executive function over childhood: Longitudinal growth curve modelling of performance on the Groton Maze Learning Task. Child Development.

Pike, A., McGuckian, T.B., Steenbergen, B., Cole, M.H., & Wilson, P.H. (2023). How Reliable and Valid are Dual-Task Cost Metrics? A Meta-Analysis of Locomotor-Cognitive Dual-Task Paradigms. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,104(2), 302-314.

Lum, J. et al. (2023). Neural basis of implicit motor sequence learning: Modulation of cortical power. Psychophysiology, 60(2), e14179.

Lust, J. et al. (2022). The subtypes of Developmental Coordination Disorder. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 64(11), 1366-1374. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.15260

Small, R., Wong, D., Wilson, P.H., & Rogers, J. (2022). Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How: Systematic review of the quality of post-stroke cognitive rehabilitation protocols. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine,65(5),101623. doi: 10.1016/

Subara-Zukic et al. (2022). Behavioural and Neuroimaging Research on Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD): A combined systematic review and meta-analysis on recent findings. Frontiers in Psychology,13, Article 809455. C125

Wilson, P. et al. (2021). Home-based (virtual) rehabilitation improves motor and cognitive function for stroke patients: A randomized controlled trial of the Elements (EDNA-22) system. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 18(1), Article 165.

Rogers, J., Jensen, J., Valderrama, J., Johnstone, S., & Wilson, P.H. (2021). Single-channel EEG measurement of engagement in virtual rehabilitation&mdashA validation study. Virtual Reality, 25(2), 357-366.

Rogers, J. Mumford, N., et al. (2021). Co-located (multi-user) virtual rehabilitation of acquired brain injury: Feasibility of the Resonance system for upper-limb training. Virtual Reality, 25(3), 719-730. DOI: 10.1007/s10055-020-00486-y.

Clemente, A., Domínguez, J.F., Imms, P., Burmester, A., Dhollander, T., Wilson, P.H., Poudel, P., & Caeyenberghs, K. (2021). Individual differences in attentional lapses are associated with fibre-specific white matter microstructure in healthy adults. Psychophysiology, 58, e13871.

Imms, P., Dominguez, J.F., Burmester, A., Seguin, C., Clemente, A., D&rsquoHollander, T., Wilson, P.H., Poudel, G., Caeyenberghs, K. (2021). Navigating the link between processing speed and network communication in the human brain. Brain Structure and Function, 226(4), 1281-1302.

Wilson, P.H., Ruddock, S., Rahimi-Golkhandan, S., Piek, J., Sugden, D., Green, D. & Steenbergen, B. (2020). Cognitive and motor function in Developmental Coordination Disorder. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology,62(11),1317-1323.  DOI: 10.1111/dmcn.14612

Steenbergen, B., Krajenbrink, H., Lust, J., & Wilson, P. (2020). Motor imagery and action observation for predictive control in developmental coordination disorder. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology,62(12), 1352-1355.

Perin, S. et al. (2020). Unsupervised assessment of cognition in the Healthy Brain Project: Implications for web-based registries of individuals at risk for Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions,6(1),e12043.

Krajenbrink, H., Lust, J., Wilson, P.H., & Steenbergen, B. (2020). Development of motor planning in children: Disentangling elements of the planning process. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 199, 104945.

Tallet, J. & Wilson, P. (2020). Is DCD a dysconnection syndrome? Current Developmental Disorders Reports, 7(1), 1-13.

Cavalcante Neto, J.L., Steenbergen, B., Wilson, P.H., Zamunér, A.R. & Tudella, E. (2020).  Is Wii-based motor training better than matched task-specific training for children with Developmental Coordination Disorder? A randomized controlled trial. Disability and Rehabilitation,42(18), 2611-2620.

Rogers, J., Middleton, S., Wilson, P.H., & Johnstone, S.J. (2020). Predicting functional outcomes after stroke: An observational study of acute single-channel EEG. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 27(3), 161-172.

Rogers, J., Duckworth, J, Middleton, S., Steenbergen, B., & Wilson, P.H. (2019). Elements virtual rehabilitation improves motor, cognitive, and functional outcomes in adult stroke: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 16(1), 56.

Imms, P., Clemente, A., Cook, M., D'Souza, W., Wilson, P.H., Jones, D., & Caeyenberghs, K. (2019). The structural connectome in traumatic brain injury: A meta-analysis of graph metrics. Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews, 99, 128-137.

Lust, J., van Schie, H., Wilson, P.H., van der Helden, J., Pelzer, B., & Steenbergen, B. (2019).  Activation of the mirror neuron system is altered in developmental coordination disorder (DCD) - Neurophysiological evidence using an action observation paradigm. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13, 232.

Blank, R., Barnett, A., Cairney, J., Green, D., Kirby, A., Polatajko, H., Rosenblum, S., Smits-Engelsman, B., Sugden, D., Wilson, P., & Vinçon, S. (2019). International clinical practice guidelines on the defintion, diagnosis, assessment, intervention and psychosocial aspects of DCD. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 61(3), 242-285.

Caeyenberghs, K., Duprat, R., Leemans, A., Hosseini, H., Wilson, P.H., Klooster, D., & Baeken, C. (2019). Accelerated theta burst stimulation in major depression induces decreases in modularity: A connectome analysis. Network Neuroscience, 3(1), 157-172.

Aminov, A., Rogers, J., Middleton, S., Caeyenberghs, K., & Wilson, P. (2018). What do randomized controlled trials say about virtual rehabilitation in stroke? A systematic literature review and meta-analysis of upper-limb and cognitive outcomes. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 15, 29.

Rogers, J. et al. (2018). General and domain-specific effectiveness of cognitive remediation after stroke: Systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Neuropsychology Review, 28, 285-305.

Lust, J., Spruijt, S., Wilson, P.H., & Steenbergen, B. (2018). Motor planning in children with cerebral palsy - A longitudinal perspective. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 40, 559-566.

Shields, N., Adair, B., Wilson, P., Froude, E., & Imms, C. (2018). Characteristics influencing participation diversity of children in activities outside school. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 72, Article number 7204205010.

Smits-Engelsman, B.C.M., Vincon, S., Blank, R., Quadrado, V., Polatajko, H.J., & Wilson, P.H. (2018). Evaluating the evidence for motor-based interventions in developmental coordination disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 74, 72-102.

Caeyenberghs, K., Clemente, A., Imms, P., Egan, G., Hocking, D.R., Leemans, A., Metzler-Baddeley, C., Jones, D.K., & Wilson, P.H. (2018).  Evidence for Training-Dependent Structural Neuroplasticity in Brain-Injured Patients: A Critical Review. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 32, 99-114.

Adams, I.L.J., Broekkamp, W., Wilson, P.H., Imms, C., Overvelde, A. & Steenbergen, B. (2018). Role of Pediatric Physical Therapists in Promoting Sports Participation in Developmental Coordination Disorder. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 30, 106-111.

Wilson, P., Caeyenberghs, K., Dewey, D., Smits-Engelsman, B.C.M., & Steenbergen, B. (2018). Hybrid is not a dirty word: Commentary on Wade and Kazeck (2017). Human Movement Science, 57, 510-515. doi: 10.1016/j.humov.2017.02.004.

Wilson, P., Smits-Engelsman, B., Caeyenberghs, K., Steenbergen, B., Sugden, D., Clark, J., Mumford, N., & Blank, R. (2017). Cognitive and neuroimaging findings in Developmental Coordination Disorder:  New insights from a systematic review of recent research. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 59(11), 1117-1129.

Caeyenberghs, K., Verhelst, H., Clemente, A. & Wilson, P.H. (2017). Mapping the functional connectome in traumatic brain injury: What can graph metrics tell us?  NeuroImage, 160, 113-123. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.12.003.

Wilson, P., Smits-Engelsman, B.C.M., Caeyenberghs, K., & Steenbergen, B. (2017). Toward a hybrid model of Developmental Coordination Disorder.  Current Developmental Disorders Reports, 4, 64-71.

Adams, I.L.J., Smits-Engelsman, B., Lust, J.M., Wilson P.H., & Steenbergen, B. (2017). Feasibility of motor imagery training for children with Developmental Coordination Disorder &ndash A pilot study. Frontiers of Psychology, 8(JUL), 1271.

Kashuk, S.R, Williams, J., Thorpe, G., Wilson, P.H., & Egan, G.F. (2017). Diminished motor imagery capability in adults with motor impairment: An fMRI mental rotation study.  Behavioral Brain Research, 334¸86-96.

Aminov, A., Rogers, J.M., Wilson, P.H., Johnstone, S.J., & Middleton, S. (2017). Acute single channel EEG predictors of cognitive function after stroke. PLosONE, 12(10)e0185841.

Adams, I., Lust, J., Wilson, P.H., & Steenbergen, B. (2017). Development of motor imagery and anticipatory action planning in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder - A longitudinal approach. Human Movement Science, 55, 296-306.

Smits-Engelsman, B., Jover, M., Green, D., Ferguson, G. & Wilson, P. (2017). DCD and comorbidity in neurodevelopmental disorder: How to deal with complexity? Human Movement Science, 53, 1-4.

Williams, J., Kashuk, S.R, Wilson, P.H., Thorpe, G., & Egan, G.F. (2017). White matter alterations in adults with probable Developmental Coordination Disorder: An MRI Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) study. NeuroReport, 28(2), 87-92.

Imms, C., Granlund, M., Wilson, P.H., Rosenbaum, P.L., Steenbergen, B., & Gordon, A. (2017). Participation &ndash both a means and an end. A conceptual analysis of processes and outcomes in childhood disability. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 59(1), 16-25.

Stavropoulos, V., Kuss, D.J., Griffiths, M.D., Wilson, P., & Motti-Stefanidi, F. (2017). MMORPG gaming and hostility predict Internet Addiction symptoms in adolescents: An empirical multilevel longitudinal study. Addictive Behaviors, 64, 294-300.
doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2015.09.001.

Adams, I.L.J., Lust, J.M., Wilson, P.H., & Steenbergen, B. (2017). Testing predictive control of movement in children with DCD using converging operations. British Journal of Psychology, 108, 73-90.

Stavropolous, V., Wilson, P.H., Motti-Stefanidi, F. (2017). A multilevel longitudinal study of experiencing telepresence in adolescence: The role of anxiety and classroom openness to experience. Behaviour and Information Technology, 36(5), 524-539.

Ruddock, S., Caeyenberghs, K., Piek, J., Sugden, D., Hyde, C., Morris, S., Rigoli, D., Steenbergen, S. & Wilson, P. (2016). Coupling of online control and inhibitory systems in children with atypical motor development: A growth curve modelling study. Brain and Cognition, 109, 84-95.

Rogers, J.M., Aminov, A., Donnelly, J., Wilson, P.H., & Johnstone, S.J. (2016). Test-retest reliability of a single-channel, wireless EEG system. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 106, 87-96.

Caeyenberghs, K., Taymans, T., van Waelvelde, H., Vanderstraeten, G., Oostra, A., & Wilson, P.H. (2016). Neural signature of developmental coordination disorder in the structural connectome independent of autism comorbidity. Developmental Science, 19, 599-612.

Wilson, P.H., Adams, I., Caeyenberghs, K., Thomas, P., Smits-Engelsman, B., & Steenbergen, B. (2016). Motor imagery training enhances motor skill in children with DCD:  A replication study. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 57, 54-61.

Rahimi-Golkhandan, S., Steenbergen, B., Piek, J.P., Caeyenberghs, K., & Wilson, P.H. (2016). Revealing hot executive function in children with motor coordination problems: What's the go?  Research in Developmental Disabilities, 106, 55-64.

Wilson, P., Steenbergen, B., Caeyenberghs, K. Green, D., & Duckworth, J. (2016). Integrating new technologies into the treatment of CP and DCD. Current Developmental Disorders Reports, 3, 138-151.

Lust, J., Spruijt, S., Wilson, P.H., & Steenbergen, B. (2016). Motor imagery difficulties in children with Cerebral Palsy: A specific or general deficit? Research in Developmental Disabilities, 57, 102-111.

Read, C., Rogers, J., & Wilson, P.H. (2016). Working Memory Binding of Visual Object Features in Older Adults. Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition, 23, 263-281.

Adams, I.L.J., Lust, J.M., Wilson, P.H., & Steenbergen, B. (2016). Compromised motor control in children with DCD: A deficit in the internal model? A systematic review.  Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 47, 225-244.

Duckworth, J., Mumford, N., Caeyenberghs, K., Eldridge, R., Mayson, S., Thomas, P.R., Shum, D., Williams, G., & Wilson, P.H. (2015). Resonance: an interactive tabletop artwork for co-located group rehabilitation and play. In M. Antona & C. Stephanidis (Eds.), Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Access to Learning, Health and Well-Being. Lecture Notes in Computer Science &ndash Vol 9177 (pp. 420-431). Switzerland: Springer.

Rogers, J.M., Fox, A.M., Donnelly, J., & Wilson, P.H. (2015). Source localization of an event-related potential marker of executive attention following mild traumatic brain injury. NeuroReport, 26(15), 903-907.

Smits-Engelsman, B., Magalhaes, L., Oliveira, M., & Wilson, P.H. (2015). DCD research:  How are we moving along? Human Movement Science, 42, 289-292.

Ferguson, G.D., Wilson, P.H., & Smits-Engelsman, B. (2015). The influence of task paradigm on motor imagery ability in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder. Human Movement Science, 44, 81-90.

Ruddock, S., Piek, J. Sugden, D., Morris, S., Hyde, C., Caeyenberghs, K., & Wilson, P.H. (2015). Coupling online control and inhibitory systems in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: Goal-directed reaching. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 36, 244-255. [IF 2.63].

Rahimi-Golkhandan, S., Steenbergen, B., Piek, J. P. & Wilson, P. H. (2014). Deficits of hot executive function in developmental coordination disorder: Sensitivity to positive social cues. Human Movement Science, 38, 209-224. [IF 2.6].

Rahimi-Golkhandan, S., Steenbergen, B., Piek, J. P. & Wilson, P. H. (2014). Hot executive function in children with developmental coordination disorder: Evidence for heightened sensitivity to immediate reward. Cognitive Development, 32, 23-37.  [IF 1.446].

Adams, I.L.J., Lust, J.M., Wilson, P.H., & Steenbergen, B. (2014). Compromised motor control in children with DCD&mdashA deficit in the internal model? A systematic review.  Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 47, 225-244. [IF 9.98].

Noten, M., Wilson, P.H., Ruddock, S., & Steenbergen, B. (2014). Mild impairments of motor imagery skills in children with DCD. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35, 1152-1159. [IF 2.63].

Ruddock, S., Hyde, C., Morris, S., Piek, J.P., Sugden, D., & Wilson, P.H. (2014). Executive systems constrain the flexibility of online control in children during goal-directed reaching. Developmental Neuropsychology, 39(1), 51-68. [IF 2.899].

*Duckworth, J., Bayliss, J.D., Thomas, P. R., Shum, D., Mumford, N., & Wilson, P. H. (2014). Tabletop computer game mechanics for group rehabilitation of individuals with brain injury. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8514(2), 501-512.

Wilson, P.H. & Hyde, C. (2013). The development of rapid online control in children aged 6-12 year: Reaching performance. Human Movement Science, 32(5), 1138-1150. [IF 2.6].

Smits-Engelsman, B.C.M. & Wilson, P.H. (2013). Noise, variability, and motor performance in developmental coordination disorder. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 55(4), 69-72.  [IF, 2.9].


Prof. Wilson is Deputy Director of the Healthy Brain and Mind Research Centre (HBMRC) at ACU:   

Over the past 27 years, I have coordinated programs of research in the field of motor and cognitive development and rehabilitation, supported by a number of large ARC, ACURF and AusIndustry grants. 

There are two broad aims of my research team: 

The first is to build explanatory models of motor and cognitive development in children, and of neurodevelopmental disorders that disrupt this development (esp. developmental coordination disorder or DCD, and cerebral palsy)

The second broad aim is to design and evaluate novel and creative solutions to the rehabilitation of movement and cognition in children with neurodevelopmental disorders and in adults with acquired brain injury. We adopt a multidisciplinary approach to intervention, including the design and development of virtual-reality (VR) based solutions (or virtual rehabilitation), including the award-winning Elements DNA (EDNA) These interventions are designed specifically to:

  1. Prevent secondary impairments in body structure/function
  2. Improve activity performance (skills and abilities) to achieve success daily functioning, and
  3. Optimise participation in physical, academic and cultural activities, and enhance quality of life. 

The program of work is recognised internationally for its innovation, with longstanding collaborators at Radboud University in the Netherlands, Columbia University in NY, Oxford-Brookes University in the UK, KU Leuven in Belgium, Curtin University, Griffith University, and the University of Leeds.  Prof. Wilson has published over 130 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters, over 6000 citations, and $6M in grant funding.  His team is truly multi-disciplinaryhe works closely with new media artists, scientists and clinicians in pursuit of new approaches to augmenting therapy.



Current Research Interests

Cognitive neuroscience of developmental motor disorders
Aims: To develop neurocognitive and behavioural models of motor disability in children (esp. DCD and CP) and to translate this knowledge to new approaches to therapy.
Cognitive and motor development of children
Aims:  To develop models of development that describe the pivotal interactions between motor, cognitive, and affective systems in children and adolescents.
Movement rehabilitation including use of new technologies
Aims:  To develop research-led innovations in rehabilitation, including the use of new technologies like virtual reality, and to evaluate the efficacy of these interventions in children and adults with movement disabilities, both developmental and acquired.
Participation in children
Aims: To model predictors of change in participation among children with and without a disability; to understand participation at the level of physical, academic and socio-cultural function; to develop ecological approaches to intervention. 

Current Academic Appointments

2019 - present

Nominee for Associate Dean Research, Faculty of Health Sciences,
Australian Catholic University (ACU), Melbourne, AUSTRALIA.

2012 - present

Professor of Developmental Psychology, School of Psychology, ACU, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA.

2016 - present

Co-Director, Centre for Disability & Development Research (CeDDR), ACU.




Editorial and Reviewer Roles

Editorial Roles:

  • Editorial Board, Comprehensive Clinical Medicine, Nature Springer. 2018 &ndash present.
  • Editorial Board, Human Movement Science.
  • Editorial Board, Research in Developmental Disabilties.
  • Section Editor, Current Developmental Disorders Reports, Springer. 2014 &ndash present.
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.
  • Associate Editor, Medical Science Monitor.

Expert grant reviewer for

  • FWO, Belgium
  • FRS, France
  • ARC Discovery
  • ARC Linkage
  • Wellcome Trust (UK)
  • Ontario Mental Health Foundation (Canada)
  • Western Australian Health Promotion Foundation
  • ZonMW, Health Research Programme (The Netherlands)
  • FNRS, Belgium


International Guidelines Committees

  • International Review Committee for Guidelines Statements on Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), European Academy for Childhood Disability (EACD), 2015-2016.
  • International Review Committee for Guidelines Statements on Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), European Academy for Childhood Disability (EACD), 2011-2012.  


Undergraduate Teaching

My specialist teaching subjects are:

-  Cognitive Psychology / Neuroscience

- Lifespan developmental psychology

- Research Methods in Psychology

- Philosophy & Methodology of Psychology

- Psychological Assessment

- Learning theory & applications

- Bioethics


Postgraduate Teaching

My specialist teaching subjects are:

- Advanced Research Methods

- Cognitive Neuroscience

- Advanced Issues in Applied Psychology

- Applied Developmental Psychology


Innovations in Curriculum Development

  • Evaluation of high-yield strategies for Inclusive Teaching in tertiary education: Concept mapping Note-taking, & Argument Mapping.
  • Design and evaluation of a new Interteaching Model in undergraduate Psychology, funded by the LTIF scheme, RMIT. This model is based on behavioural principles and incorporates student-paced learning, reciprocal peer tutoring, and cooperative learning.
  • Author of the Learning module in T. Whelan (Ed.), Cases in psychology. Australia: Thomson Learning. Retrieved June 10, 2006, from
  • Development of the Learning Module in Psychology for Open Learning Australia (2001). See
  • Development of Flexible Delivery courses in psychology, RMIT University:  Psychology 1A, Developmental Psychology, and Cognitive Psychology.
Professional Memberships


European Academy for Childhood Disability (EACD)

Full Member

Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS)

Full Member

International Society for Research in Developmental Coordination Disorder (ISR-DCD)

Foundation Member &
Past President.

International Society for Virtual Rehabilitation (ISVR)

Member, & Nominations Committee

Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE)

Full Member

Psychologist's Registration Board of Victoria.

Registered Psychologist
since 1995

Australian Psychological Society

Full Member


Full Member



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